
Our Vision and Values

Our Vision
Our vision developed from discussions with the school body and the feeling that we want to nurture and encourage all of the talents that the children have. We want to celebrate the children's diversity and strive to encourage them to share their uniqueness, talents and skills with everyone else.
The bible story that we have that remind us of our vision is 'The feeding of a 5000', in this story, a young boy shares what he has (his lunch) with Jesus, and Jesus was able to create a miracle from what the boy had shared. We encourage the children at Bishop Bronescombe to share what they have and with God's help, it can become something amazing!
The picture shown is of the mural that is painted on the wall at the front of our school hall and a copy of this picture is in each classroom to continually encourage the children to share their talents and skills. 
What do our parents say about our school?
"Genuinely can’t fault the school in any aspect. Excellent pastoral care. Genuinely love for the children they teach. Excellent support when needed by PSA."
"The staff at BB are an absolute blessing and are led by a senior leadership team who in my experience always put the best interests of a child first and are empathetic to the needs of the whole family. Thank you for always seeing ‘the unseen’ which is only possible by the relationships you build with children and families."

"Could not wish for anything better for our children."


"Thank you…from the bottom of our hearts for being a teacher, a friend, a parent, and an advocate for our children. What you do day in day out does not go unseen. You plant little mustard seeds in our children that will one day enable them to make a positive impact on the world around them."


"Thank you for caring and thank you for listening to our children. Thank you for the incredible role models you are to our children. It must be one of the hardest jobs in the world but every day you change lives for the better."


"Through a difficult time the school has put families first at every step. I believe in, and have experienced, it's great care and the way it stands firmly by its core values. Thank you team!"


"I am so blessed to have my two children in a school which truly cares."