
Little Fish - Year 2

Mrs Horwell

Teacher/ KS1 Lead

I absolutely LOVE 'The Famous five - 5 go to smugglers top'. It gives me such wonderful memories of when I used to have sleepovers with my best friend, and we would listen to 'The famous five' books on audio. I have particularly fond memories of listening to this one in the dark whilst eating a midnight feast and loving the feeling of being scared but needing to continue listening so that I could complete the adventure with the famous five. I love how Enid Blyton almost makes you feel as though you're an extra member of the gang whilst you read the books. I particularly liked George's character too, I felt that I could relate to her growing up, as I was a fairly headstrong girl myself! It's important to have characters in books that you can relate to.

Miss Bennallack

Support Staff

Autumn 1

Welcome back after the summer holidays! The title for Autumn 1 is ‘Food, glorious food’.

In Science, we will be thinking about ‘animals – including humans’, the children will identify, name and draw different body parts, notice that animals have offspring that grow into adults and explore whether things are dead, alive, or have never been alive. They will find out about the basic needs of animals for survival and will describe the importance of exercise, a balanced diet and hygiene.

In Design Technology, we will be thinking about the importance of eating healthy foods. The children will then design, make and evaluate their own healthy sandwiches.

In Art we will be exploring the work of Lynn Flavell, exploring patterns in the natural world and in traditional South African art and then applying our learning to make our own fruit and vegetable print. We will also be creating self-portraits to display in the classroom.

In music we will be covering the ‘Pulse, rhythm, pitch’ unit from Charanga, singing and listening are at the heart of each lesson and they will learn to sing the songs ‘Music is in my soul’ and ‘Hey friends’. The children will also learn to play, improvise and compose using a selection of these notes: C, D, E, F, G, A

Phonics and spelling will be taught daily alongside our English lessons. This half term in our Pathways to Write unit we will be focusing on the story ‘Look up’ by Nathan Bryon. We will be focusing on using capital letters and full stops accurately, writing expanded noun phrases and writing a diary entry.

In maths, we will follow the White Rose scheme of work. Our focus will be number and place value to start off with, and then we will move on to addition and subtraction. We will be continually reviewing our arithmetic methods throughout the half term through our ‘fluency in five’ sessions.

In P.E, we will be focusing on circuit training and how we can move our bodies in different ways. We will look at improving our balance and coordination when moving and jumping. We will also have a week of swimming lessons.

In R.E. we will be exploring the question: ‘Who do Christians say made the world?’ We will be thinking about the story of creation, how Christians say thank you to God for his creation, and how Christians feel we should treat the world because of their belief that God created the world.

In computing, we will be completing our ‘online safety’ unit, in which the children will learn the importance of logging on safely and of keeping personal information private. We will also complete a ‘2question/2investigate’ unit in which they will use and create pictograms and create and search binary trees.

In PSHE, our unit is called ‘Being me in my world’. In this unit, the children will think about their hopes and goals for the year, how to be part of the school community and how to care for one another.

We hope you find the resources below easy to access for supporting your child's learning at home and understanding the key objectives being covered. The list below includes:
-Knowledge Organisers
This explains the key information and facts your child needs to know by the end of their topic unit with some visual aids and key vocabulary we will learn too.
-Calculation Policy 
This provides you with information about the key mathematical concepts and how these are taught during this Key Stage.
-Recommended Reads
This document lists texts we would highly recommend your child to access and read during their year group. Pupils are encouraged to select from this range of books.
Autumn 1