
Little Doves - Year 1

Miss Caff


My favourite book is 'How to Train your Dragon' by Cressida Cowell. When I was at school, this book was read to me by my class teacher. I became engrossed in the adventurous, magical and wondrous characters within the story and the ups and downs within the plot. I was hooked. The book follows a young Viking boy, Hiccup who wants to be just like his dad until he meets an interesting dragon, Toothless. The bravery, independence and teamwork within this book resonated with me as a child and still do now. I will continue to read this book and recommend it to all of my students.

Mrs Slade

Support Staff

There is something so special about getting lost in the pages of a good book. I love reading. My favourite thing to do is to curl up under a blanket with a good book and a hot chocolate. When I was young, I used to love reading 'The Secret Seven' and 'The Famous Five' books by Enid Blyton. Now I'm older I still enjoy reading mystery novels. My favourite grown up book is 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern.

Summer 2

Welcome back after the May half-term! The title for this half-term is ‘Radiant Rainforests.’ Here is an overview of what we’ll be getting up to.

In Geography we will be looking at the location of Brazil. We will be thinking about why our weather and climate is different to theirs. We will also look at some famous landmarks from Brazil. Then we are going to look at similarities and differences between a day in the life of a child in Brazil compare to our school day. After that we will look more specifically at the rainforest and at wildlife that lives in the Amazon rainforest.

In Science, we will be thinking about different animals. We will identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will describe and compare the structure of a variety of these animals. We will also be completing a unit on plants. We will identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, identify and describe the basic structure of common flowering plants, observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants and we will find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to survive.

Phonics and spelling will be taught daily alongside our English lessons. This half term we will be completing our ‘Pathways to write’ unit for the story ‘Goldilocks and just the one bear’ written by Leigh Hodgkinson, and we will then write our own stories.  

In maths, we continue to follow the White Rose scheme of work. Our focus in year one will be on place value of numbers up to 100, money and time. We will be continually reviewing our arithmetic methods throughout the half term through our ‘fluency in five’ sessions.

Our focus in Year 2 will be looking at position and direction, and mass, capacity and temperature. We will be continually reviewing our arithmetic methods throughout the half term.

In P.E, we will be focusing on attacking and defending skills. The children will complete a progressive unit which will focus on defending space and marking other players, and how to attack by passing the ball and dodging opponents. At the end of the unit they will participate in games in which they need to apply these skills of defending and attacking.

In R.E. we will exploring the question: “How should we care for others and the world and why does it matter?” We will be thinking about the fact that God teaches us that everyone is unique and valuable. Then we will look at the work of different charities that care for others as they wish to be treated. We will be thinking about story of creation and how this prompts us to look after God’s world and everything in it.

In computing, we will be thinking about technology outside of school alongside completing our ‘grouping and sorting; unit using 2DIY, in which the children will sort items using a range of criteria.

In music we will be completing the ‘Let’s perform together’ in which we will listen to, and appraise different pieces of music, find the pulse to pieces of music, learn about pitch, tempo and rhythm. Children will also play notes on the glockenspiel and learn how to compose pieces of music, we will then perform the songs that we have learned.

In PSHE, we will be completing the ‘changing me’ unit in which children will think about the life cycle of a human, how their life has changed so far and what things have stayed the same. They will look at how their body has changed since they were babies and the differences in the anatomy of boys’ and girls’ bodies.


We hope you find the resources below easy to access for supporting your child's learning at home and understanding the key objectives being covered. The list below includes:
-Knowledge Organisers
This explains the key information and facts your child needs to know by the end of their topic unit with some visual aids and key vocabulary we will learn too.
-Calculation Policy 
This provides you with information about the key mathematical concepts and how these are taught during this Key Stage.
-Recommended Reads
This document lists texts we would highly recommend your child to access and read during their year group. Pupils are encouraged to select from this range of books.
-Book for Topics 
Here you'll find an excellent selection of topic related books we'd recommend accessing in line with our Be Bold Curriculum coverage.
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2