

If you need a paper copy of any of our policies, please contact the school office.

Our Complaints, Data Protection, Exclusions and Whistleblowing policies are available on the trust website here:  https://www.rainbowacademy.org.uk/documents-policies/


Accessibility plan Jan
Admissions Policy 23-24
Admissions Arrangements 2024-25 final.pdf
anti bullying Sep23.pdf
Attendance policy - Dec 2022 for BOD.pdf
BB Safeguarding Child Protection Policy September 2022.pdf
Charging and Remissions Policy Nov 23.pdf
Child on Child abuse policy November 2023.pdf
Collective worship policy 2023.pdf
Complaints Policy 2023.pdf
Curriculum Policy July 23.pdf
Designated Teacher for Looked After and Post Looked After Children
Digital Safeguarding
Early Years Foundation Stage
Equality information and objectives
Equal opportunities policy 2023.pdf
Finance policy November 2023.pdf
Freedom of Information-Guide to Information 2023.pdf
Gifted and Talented Policy.pdf
Health and Safety Policy School Responsibilities and Arrangements - BB Mar23.pdf
Healthy Schools
Lettings policy Nov 2023.pdf
Low Level concerns policy 2023.pdf
Mental Health and Wellbeing - July 2023.pdf
Prevent Policy Dec 22.pdf
Pupil Premium Jul 23.pdf
Pupils who cannot attend school due to health needs policy March 22.pdf
PSHE RSE Policy 23.pdf
Race and equality
RE policy May 2023.pdf
Relationships and Behaviour Policy Jul 2023.pdf
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023.pdf
Safer Recruitment Policy- Dec 22.pdf
SEND Rainbow MAT Policy 2023.pdf
Serial complaints policy 2023.pdf
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Jul 23.pdf
Whistleblowing - Financial Malpractice - Dec 2022 (1).pdf
Whistleblowing - Safeguarding Dec 23.pdf

Our Complaints, Data Protection, Exclusions and Whistleblowing policies are available on the trust website here:  https://www.rainbowacademy.org.uk/documents-policies/