Miss Cunningham
When I was a child I loved to read and write stories. My favourite books were Nancy Drew books and The Famous Five mysteries. I used to visit our local library and borrow as many books as I was allowed to take. I used to love reading comics too and was allowed to choose a new comic every Monday after school. I still love reading and I read everyday. I love mystery books and crime novels.
Spring 1
Welcome to 2025! Please, take some time to read on and find out about all of the exciting things we have planned for this half term.
During maths this half term, Year 6 will cover a lot of new ground, starting our half term continuing with fractions, but then moving on to our ratio unit. In this we will look at the ratio symbol, comparing ratios and fractions and scale factors. After this unit, we will delve into algebra and then decimals and percentages. Year 5 will be looking at formal methods for multiplication and division, fractions and will then move onto decimals and percentages. Our maths at BB is taught through a mastery approach, giving the children time to explore the concept being taught using concrete resources before moving on to pictorial and then more abstract concepts (CPA approach).
We will continue to encourage the children to practise their number recall through weekly 99 Club challenges and TT Rockstars battles as well as daily Flashback4's to encourage retention. We will continue with regular arithmetic practise- the purpose of this is to expose the children to a range of calculations and to help with the retrieval and retention of key number facts.
This half term, our focus will be on local history, specifically the Cornish Rebellion. We will dive into the causes behind the rebellion, examining the social, political, and economic factors that led to this important event. Students will also explore the key battles of the rebellion and learn about one of its main figures, An Gof, and his role in the conflict. Through this topic, children will not only gain insight into a significant moment in Cornish history, but also develop a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural and historical heritage of Cornwall. By studying this local event, students will be able to connect more personally with the past, helping them understand how it shaped the Cornwall we know today.
In English this half term, our work will be based around the book Island: A Story of the Galapagos by Jason Chin. Through this text, students will explore a variety of key features, including the use of passive verbs, how to correctly and consistently use a range of verb forms, and to use the progressive and present perfect tenses. They will also learn to use a wide variety of devices to build cohesion within their writing, as well as organisational and presentational tools to structure their texts effectively. A particular focus will be on using colons to mark boundaries between independent clauses. The outcome of this unit will be for students to write a hybrid journalistic report on Charles Darwin's discoveries, showcasing their ability to apply these writing techniques in an engaging and informative way.
In Whole Class Reading, we will continue to use VIPERS to explore a range of engaging and diverse topics, including birds, Malawi, Chinese New Year, and popular book series. This approach will allow students to develop and apply their reading skills in a variety of contexts. Additionally, regular independent reading comprehension tasks will be integrated to assess each student’s strengths and identify any misconceptions, helping to ensure continued progress and understanding. In addition to this, we will continue to read our class novels as a way of developing a love of reading and to enjoy high quality texts.
This half term in RE, we will explore the question, “For Christians, what type of king was Jesus?” Our focus will be on the concept of The Kingdom of God, considering the kind of kingdom Jesus sought to establish and how we can help make our world reflect these values. We will also reflect on what this reveals about Jesus as a king. To deepen our understanding, we will study several parables, using them to connect and enrich these ideas.
In PE this half term, children will be developing their skills in hockey by focusing on a variety of key techniques and strategies. They will learn to move with the ball using a range of controlled skills and practice the correct techniques for passing accurately to teammates. Emphasis will be placed on understanding how to maintain possession of the ball under pressure and exploring different tactics for attacking effectively in invasion games. Additionally, students will work on strategies to win back possession, honing their defensive techniques. They will also consider how to adapt their movements to suit both attacking and defending scenarios, enhancing their overall gameplay and teamwork abilities.
This half term in music, children will focus on the pop song Happy by Pharrell Williams, exploring various aspects of performance and musical creativity. They will begin by learning to sing the song confidently and then progress to playing instrumental parts within it. Building on this, they will have opportunities to improvise using their voices and instruments, adding their unique interpretations to the piece. Additionally, they will compose and incorporate their own musical ideas into the song. The unit will culminate in a performance where children will showcase their skills and share their work with an audience.
In our Computing lessons, children will develop their skills in creating interactive quizzes using 2Quiz. They will begin by designing picture-based quizzes suitable for young children, exploring the different question types available within the platform. They will also investigate grammar quizzes to see how they are structured and learn to create quizzes that challenge players to search a database for answers. To consolidate their learning, children will apply their skills to design a quiz aimed at testing their teachers, showcasing their creativity and understanding of the software.
In art lessons, children will explore the work of different wildlife artists, comparing their styles and techniques. They will use digital technology to select suitable wildlife photographs as references for their own creations. Through experimentation with pencil grades, they will learn how shading and texture can bring depth and realism to their drawings. A key focus will be understanding proportion when drawing animals, ensuring their artwork is accurate and lifelike. Building on these skills, children will use texture and form to create a 3D representation of an animal. Finally, they will reflect on their work by evaluating their final outcomes, considering both strengths and areas for improvement.
In the Year 6 Jigsaw unit (PSHE) Dreams and Goals, children will focus on understanding their own learning strengths and how to set realistic yet challenging goals. They will explore the steps needed to achieve their aspirations and develop strategies to overcome challenges along the way. The unit will also encourage them to consider various global issues and how they can collaborate with others to make a positive difference in the world. Additionally, they will reflect on ways to work effectively as a team to create change. Finally, children will celebrate their unique qualities by learning what their classmates like and admire about them, fostering confidence and mutual respect.
In the Year 5 Jigsaw unit Dreams and Goals, children will explore how money supports achieving aspirations and learn about various jobs and their pay. They will consider potential future careers and understand how dreams and goals differ across cultures. The unit highlights the value of cross-cultural communication and explores ways to support young people locally and globally. This links in to our focus of courageous advocacy.
In our science topic this half term, children will learn to identify the parts of a flower and describe their functions, exploring how plants reproduce, including through asexual reproduction. They will study the process of reproduction in mammals and discover Jane Goodall’s ground-breaking work on chimpanzees. The concept of metamorphosis will be examined, along with comparisons of the life cycles of different plants and animals, highlighting both similarities and differences.
In French, children will learn to describe the weather using various phrases and vocabulary. They will also become familiar with the months of the year and practice saying them in French. Additionally, they will explore the four seasons, learning how to talk about them and understand their characteristics in the French language. This will help build their vocabulary and improve their ability to communicate about everyday topics.