
Remote Learning Expectations

“The work is varied, interesting, the right amount and I love that lessons are available so that they can see someone teaching.”


Remote Learning 

During this period of national lockdown, our school will only be open to children of critical workers and vulnerable children. For the rest of our children, learning will be provided remotely and can be accessed via class dojo for all year groups. We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate, making slight adaptations in some subjects where access becomes trickier.  

It is an expectation that all of our children engage in the remote learning that is provided each day and the designated remote teacher within the phase each day is available to provide advice, support or further explanation when needed between 9:30am-12:30am daily.  

By 9:00am each morning, the class is greeted by the remote teacher, the daily expectations are shared and further explanations, signposting of useful resources or alternative practical activities are given. Each day, the class are also read a story, provided with whole-class feedback and the achievements of the day are celebrated. 

Our Expectations 

For KS1 pupils, our expectation is that pupils should engage in broadly 3 hours of remote learning each day.

Daily phonics/spelling 

40 minutes 


40 minutes  


40 minutes 


40 minutes 

Daily reading 

20 minutes 

In addition to this, our KS1 pupils receive a weekly RE lesson, a weekly online safety activity and have access to phonics play and Numbots. 




For KS2 pupils, our expectation is that pupils should engage in broadly 4 hours of remote learning each day.  


1 Hour 


1 Hour 


1 Hour 

Daily reading 

30 mins 

Times tables Rockstars 

30 Mins 

In addition to this, our KS2 pupils receive a weekly RE lesson, a weekly online safety activity and a weekly challenge activity. The children also have access to a topic grid from which they can choose activities linked to their topic.