
Useful Information and Links

Please see leaflets below regarding information about Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assessments.
NEW!!!!  Safer Internet Day Resource pack for parents!  
See below for lots of useful resources to help you talk to your children about using the Internet and technology positively and safely.  
Please see the document below for information on how we teach calculations.  Referring to this may help you help your child with their homework!  
Bad weather emergency procedures.
In the event of snow or extremely bad weather, we will text out to all parents any closure news.  It will also be posted on our website and announced on Radio Cornwall/Pirate FM.  You DO NOT need to contact us before collecting your child as this would only overload the telephone lines. 
Please rest assured we will NOT close the school until all children have been collected.

Emergency Action Plan

In accordance with Government guidelines, we regularly review our emergency action procedures. Set out below is a brief overview of our procedures to ensure that all pupils and staff remain safe at all times.

In the event of a disaster such as fire, gas leak, bomb threat or any other incident where the building cannot be occupied:

When students are on site, the fire bells will ring to instigate a whole school evacuation to the designated safe areas.

The Senior Leadership team will decide, in liaison with the emergency services, on the next action. If we are instructed to evacuate, we will walk all students to an identified safe location. As part of this procedure:

  • A text will be sent to all parents / carers informing them of the action being taken

  • Students will remain at our safe location until collected by one of their named contacts

Thank you for your support with this. I really do hope that this never happens, but if it does, we can work together and keep our children safe.

Special Educational Needs
If you have a child with Special Educational Needs, please click on the link below to access Cornwall Council's Local Offer, which includes all the support that is available to children and young people in Cornwall (aged 0–25) with special educational needs and / or disabilities (SEND) and their families.