Post Ofsted parent meeting 26Nov18.pptx
Parent Forum presentation - 7-3-19.pdf
Open morning & parent forum Sum19.pdf
Science Home Learning tips.pdf
Parent forum and reading afternoon 30Oct.pdf
Safer Internet Day 2018 - Parents and Carers Pack - Pack Overview.pdf
Safer Internet Day 2018 - Parents and Carers Pack - Factsheet.pdf
Safer Internet Day 2018 - Parents and Carers Pack - Conversation starters.pdf
Safer Internet Day 2018 - Parents and Carers Pack - Family Pledge Card.pdf
Safer Internet Day 2018 - Parents and Carers Pack - Pledge Card.pdf
Safer Internet Day 2018 - Parents and Carers Pack - Fun Things To Do.pdf
Safer Internet Day 2018 - Parents and Carers Pack - Quick activities.pdf
Safer Internet Day 2018 - Parents and Carers Pack - Spread the Word.pdf
YouTube information for parents.pdf
Common Sense Media - Online app and game reviews
App advice - August 2017.pdf
Social Media update - Sep 17.pdf
Online Safety Guidance for Parents.pdf
Letter to KS2 parents Social Media.pdf
Emergency Action Plan
In accordance with Government guidelines, we regularly review our emergency action procedures. Set out below is a brief overview of our procedures to ensure that all pupils and staff remain safe at all times.
In the event of a disaster such as fire, gas leak, bomb threat or any other incident where the building cannot be occupied:
When students are on site, the fire bells will ring to instigate a whole school evacuation to the designated safe areas.
The Senior Leadership team will decide, in liaison with the emergency services, on the next action. If we are instructed to evacuate, we will walk all students to an identified safe location. As part of this procedure:
A text will be sent to all parents / carers informing them of the action being taken
Students will remain at our safe location until collected by one of their named contacts
Thank you for your support with this. I really do hope that this never happens, but if it does, we can work together and keep our children safe.